
BBP teams up with Bristol Vintage Velo (Sunday 08/04/12)

Bespoke Bike Portraits is more than a little excited to be teaming up with Bristol's Vintage Velo 2012 to offer a bike portrait as a prize on the day. Bloomin' marvellous. 

Vintage Velo 2011 was an absolute joy and 2012's edition - taking place on Sunday April 29 - is set to be even bigger, better and more sepia-tinged. 

If you like any one or more from bikes, facial hair and tweed then this is the event for you and no mistake. If you like all three, buy your ticket right now and then go for a little lie down forthwith.  

And it's not just a tremendous day out, it's a fundraiser for Bristol Cycle Festival

If there's anything not to like about that, Bespoke Bike Portraits cannot see it.